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FLGCA Community Information Day 2025


It was great to see over 60 people popping into our Community Information Day on Saturday 25th January in the Hall which brought together 16 local organisations. There was a real buzz in the Hall as people visited the stands and enjoyed refreshments and a good catch up with each other.


Zero Carbon Guildford who  offer free home energy surveys and useful tips on how to reduce energy loss from your home. The Sime Gallery and Worplesdon Churches along with our local WI who organised the teas coffees and home-made cakes, always a bonus at any event. Through to Surrey Swing and Worplesdon Parish Council who brought along their speed watch equipment as well as important information for those with Riparian responsibilities - that's anyone who abuts a water course.


Our Surrey County Council and Guildford Borough Councillors were present answering questions on a whole range of local issues. 


Mrs O'Brien the Head of Worplesdon Primary School was ably assisted by her deputy and some year 6 children who had designed some excellent leaflets on the benefits of joining the FLGCA, look out for these in upcoming editions of the Magazine. The school fielded questions about their MUGA application, school life and of course parking. It was lovely to have the children there looking very smart in their uniforms.


There was the opportunity to speak to Neighbourhood Watch, and Fairwood Helpers along with Stella Hancock Carriage Riding for the Disabled based at Merrist Wood, three groups all offering valuable services to our local community and the opportunity to volunteer. 


Fairlands Art group had a small display of some of their works, please remember they cover all mediums of painted art and all are welcome regardless of ability. Keep an eye out in the Magazine for more information about the group.


Silverbirch House had details of their don't dine alone scheme which enables any local senior to take up the offer of a free lunch, weekdays 12.30-2.30pm .


UW provided the opportunity to consider an alternative utility supplier.


Not forgetting the FLGCA, who had information on how to hire the Hall, the events and facilities offered by the Bar and of course the benefits of membership, including a number of discounts at local shops. Details can be found in the Magazine or on our web site


Feedback from our exhibitors has been good, and it's something we will consider doing again. If you came along and have any feedback please do get in touch we would love to hear your thoughts.  Similarly, if you missed the event and would like contact details for any of the organisations present, please get in touch.  

Please email or pop a note through 57 Brocks Drive.


Many thanks FLGCA Committee


Fairlands, Liddington Hall and Gravetts Lane Community Association

Registered Charity No. 305150

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