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Magazine & Newsletter


Our excellent 'Keeping In Touch' magazine is edited by Sheila Willis. It is one of the only magazines produced for Residents Associations in the local area and is full of local news and reports. The magazine is printed monthly and distributed across the area of benefit. It has a circulation list of around 900 to local business’ as well as every household in the FLGCA area. If you would like to advertise your business or event in this periodical (prices are very reasonable) call Sheila Willis on 01403 903034 or email Sheila here.

Magazines by Year


Click to see the Magazines


Mick is now sending Newsletters out to local residents via email in order to keep you up to date in a more frequent manner. Why not contribute an article or a letter with your views on local or even national issues?

Any newsworthy information should be sent to him here

Latest newsletter available here!


Fairlands, Liddington Hall and Gravetts Lane Community Association

Registered Charity No. 305150

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