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The FLGCA  and the Management Council





The FLGCA are the Fairlands, Liddington Hall and Gravetts Lane Community Association who work voluntarily for the benefit of the community, working with local organisations, borough, county and parish councils, providing facilities and an environment for all to enjoy.

We are a registered charity, with all income generated being invested back into the community facilities. We look after the FLGCA premises, Hall, Recreation Field and Bar, and we provide the monthly Keeping in TouchMagazine which is delivered to 700+ houses.

We look out for our local environment, Fairlands and its surrounding countryside and communities.
We run fund-raising events, such as the St George’s Evening, Fashion Shows and the Queen’s Jubilee event, which are open to all.
Currently just 15% of our income comes from membership fees with outgoing costs expected to be £50,000 this year due to the rise in energy prices.
The rest of the money comes from donations, sponsorship and hall bookings. 

Support your local community by becoming an FLGCA member, all FLGCA funds to be used for supporting projects for local young people and community activities.

If you are interested in joining the FLGCA as a member or the committee to make a difference please contact the current chairman.

Registered Charity no. 305150




  • Coming along on the day and bringing family and friends!

  • Entering one or more of the competitions, the more the merrier! 

  • If you would like to make a cash donation, contribute to the Association or donate some of your time to help with any event please contact us on

  • Help the community and join the FLGCA, membership forms



The Management Council


The management council is responsible for managing the facilities jointly owned by those in the area of benefit. They oversee the use of the Hall, FLG Club and Bar, together with the recreation field sited behind the doctor's surgery. The Council is made up of volunteers who use the facilities in and around the estate. They are active in keeping the 
hall and bar clean and maintained, the field cut and pruned, bookings for the hall in order and footpaths clear of debris and litter. They get actively involved in issues which might impact the area such as the threat to the local Green Belt and roadworks on the highways.
The Council meets at least every other month to agree the actions required to keep all facilities in good order as well as agreeing the accounts and organising major events such as the St. Georges Day Dance and this year the Queen's Jubilee celebrations to raise funds to put back into the local community. They regularly invite local councillors to meetings to keep up to date with the current affairs in hand.


Fairlands, Liddington Hall and Gravetts Lane Community Association

Registered Charity No. 305150

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